We were...well...exhausted!
It was the perfect night to relax. And our visit with Boss was just what we needed!

Boss was the perfect host. He welcomed Rick and me into his home - just as long as we didn't sit in his favorite spot - smack dab in the middle of the living room.

And he had these humans there, Tim & Kendra, who waited on us hand and foot. Boy, what a life Boss has!
Dinner was prepared for us - veggie & turkey burgers and salads, with ice cream with fresh berries and fruit for dessert. Yum! And we had the opportunity to do a load of laundry! (We'd only been on the road for a few days, but had managed to go through a lot of stuff in a short period of time!)
Boss even provided entertainment, which he let his humans in on too - we watched My Kid Could Paint That, a documentary about a 4-year-old whose artwork got lots of attention a few years back. It had been on my "to watch" list for a while now!
Here we all are hangin' out in the living room - Rick, Hilary, Boss, Kendra, Tim:

Before going to sleep (oh, man, was sleep ever nice that night!), Boss had the humans entertain us by making funny faces.

The next morning, we had coffee and breakfast before heading off to Asheville, North Carolina.
Thanks to Boss for hosting us and providing us with a much needed evening of rest & relaxation! :D
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